Drawing with Children Warm Ups Continued -Matching Warm-Up and Mirror Imaging Warm-Up

Super Hero has been on a roll wanting to continue with the Drawing with Children warm-ups. Today we worked on the matching warm-ups and mirror imaging warm-ups. They mirror imaging exercises required a little bit more focusing that the previous warm ups so far. They are still very simple and easy to follow.

New (July 2015):

Drawing Warm Ups Practice Sheets are ready at my store. Buy them today, only $3.99




Super Hero loved the matching warm-ups (Music to my ears since I made these worksheets 😉 ) He wanted to do more right away but I had only created 2… Perhaps you’d like to make more just in case your child gets into them too!

Super Hero’s matching warm-ups


Super Hero’s mirror imaging warm-ups


Previous: Drawing with Children – Learning the Basics Part 3 >

Next: Drawing with Children – Learning the Basics Part 5 >

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